Zeg maar niet dat je sjiitisch bent

Zeg maar niet dat je sjiitisch bent

Op de warmste 19 april die ooit is gemeten in Nederland, bevolken grote groepen mensen de terrassen van Utrecht. Ook in de buurt van Theater Kikker, waar de paneldiscussie ‘Muslims Represent!’ zal plaatsvinden. Bezoekers druppelen langzaam naar binnen, waar ze worden...
Design for Activism

Design for Activism

Design for Activism Lab @ Border Sessions By Nina Nout On June 13 2018, we had the pleasure of hosting our Design For Activism lab at the Border Sessions Festival. The goal of the lab was to design a workflow that creates opportunities for tech experts and companies...
Meet The Hague Hacks: Tech and Human Rights

Meet The Hague Hacks: Tech and Human Rights

Written by Nina Nout At The Hague Hacks, we’re all about connecting the worlds of peace and technology. From our annual The Hague Hack Festival, to our events, to building an innovative platform for creating new tech solutions to human rights issues; we are ‘hacking’...