Muslim Dialogue, Research, and Action
Inter-communal dialogue
Anti-racist action
Media research
Making Change
Muslims on TV
An insightful process of honest reflection reads between...
Research: Muslims in Dutch media
Onderzoek bevestigt: negatieve berichtgeving over moslims...
Zeg maar niet dat je sjiitisch bent
Op de warmste 19 april die ooit is gemeten in Nederland,...
– Turkish & Kurdish dialogue
– Peace Education
– Muslim representation in the media
– Toerkoes in Nieuw-West events
– Recognition Armenian Genocide
– Anti-racist solidarity
The establishment of the Turkish-Kurdish work group at The Hague Peace Projects has created a steady flow of projects and events stimulating interaction and peaceful dialogue between these diaspora groups in The Netherlands. Our resulting collaborations and activities have since broadened our scope to investigate prejudice towards Muslims throughout Europe, and to encourage dialogue about human rights and diversity as part of the Muslim identity.
Dialogue Events
We engage diaspora and migrant groups in the organisation and participation of events to build trust and understanding, and work together towards conflict resolution.
Our research projects investigate the pervasive mechanisms of discrimination towards Muslims, and their representation in the national and international media.
We raise awareness about institutional discrimination towards Muslims and cultural conflicts through media campaigns and visits to schools.
We support Human Rights Defenders and catalysts of social change.
Muslim Dialogue
Your one-off or monthly donation allows us to continue our work promoting dialogue as a means to build trust and understanding, and resolve national and international conflicts and disputes.
Collaborate with us
Are you interested in collaborating with us, joining an event, or volunteering? Do you know someone that is? Feel free to get in touch and share your own ideas and stories.
Our Team
Tayfun has a Master‘s degree in History from Leiden University. He is Program Coordinator for the Armenian-Kurdish-Turkish workgroup, setting up dialogue and research projects to reduce tensions between these groups and encouraging ways to work together.
As a historian he gives lectures and workshops on issues relating to the modern history of Turkey. Furthermore, he is a member of the ‘New Amsterdam Council’, an advisory collective to give progressive counsel on matters related to migration, discrimination and social cohesion, and writes a column every two weeks for the paper ‘De Kanttekening’.
Team Members
Tayfun Balçık – PROJECT LEADER
About Us
As one of our oldest work groups we have been participating in, and impacting on the national debate on Muslim communities in Europe since 2016.
Muslim Dialogue is an initiative of The Hague Peace Projects.
Special Thanks
We would like to express our gratitude to NieuwWij and Republiek Allochtonië for their support and collaboration.